Jaeho Jung 사진
Jaeho Jung
Steel Solution CO.
- M.E. in Material Science Eng., Pusan National University, Busan, Korea, 2016
- Master Dissertation: Microcompression Behaviors of Single-Slip Oriented Single Crystals Simulated by Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Method
- Advisor: Professor Yoon Suk Choi
- B.S. in Material Science Eng., Pusan National University, Busan, Korea, 2013
- 정재호, 최윤석, 조경목, “Numerical study on crystallographic slip activities of a single-slip oriented single crystal micropillar deformed in compression”,
춘계대한금속재료학회, 2014. 04. (포스터 발표)
- Jae-Ho Jung, Yoon Suk Choi, Kyung-Mox Cho, “Numerical study on crystallographic slip activities of a single-slip oriented single crystal micropillar deformed in compression”,
MS&T2014, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 2014. 10. (미국재료학회 추계학술대회, 구두발표)
- 정재호, 최윤석, 조경목, “Single slip deformation of micropillars in crystal plasticity finite element method”,
춘계대한금속재료학회, 2015. 04. (구두발표)
- Jung, Jae-Ho, et al. "Microcompression Behaviors of Single Crystals Simulated by Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Method." Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 46.11 (2015): 4834-4840.